Pubblicato su stage4eu il: 18/04/2024 S&P Global, Software Engineer Intern

S&P Global
Marynarki Polskiej 163,, Gdańsk, Polonia
17 giugno - 23 agosto 2024 
Retribuito + benefit
vai all'offerta
  • Collaborate with software engineers to improve Identity and Access Management application. 

  • Demonstrate strong communication skills, effectively conveying ideas, updates, and insights within the team environment. 

  • Actively engage in learning from experienced professionals, seeking mentorship and guidance to accelerate personal and professional growth. 

  • Research and learn new technologies, tools, and best practices to enhance your skills and contribute fresh ideas to the team. 

Requisiti principali:
  • Basic understanding or coursework in .Net. 

  • Familiarity with version control systems such as Git. 

  • Demonstrate proficient communication skills to effectively communicate with the team, facilitating clear understanding and collaboration. 

  • Eagerness to learn, adapt, and contribute to a dynamic software development environment. 

  • English proficiency at the minimum B1 level

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